Okay. I'm going to go on a little rant about cardboard and chipboard because I see basically every single scrapbooker I see I on YouTube using chipboard.
Yep. I own chipboard. I spent an entire $1.50 on it. And guess what? It's still in the package! I don't understand the whole "quality" difference. Maybe if I actually used said chipboard and then bought a good quality (which is way out of my budget) and saw the difference, I would understand. But seriously. Why should I go out and buy chipboard which, the least expensive price for a good amount of it is still 11 bucks at Walmart. I'm sorry. But no. Cardboard in my opinion has a thicker quality to it and I like to be able to rip it and get a that cool corrugated inside to show!
I love cardboard. I've actually started to hoard my cardboard like it's going out of style. In some of my last posts you've seen being used to make all sorts of different projects (here, here and here) and it is literally free. FREE PEOPLE!! F-R-E-E! You pay NOTHING for cardboard. You can go behind any store and look in their dumpsters (unless it's wet. Then don't pick it up.) You can look in your own pantry and use cereal boxes, pop tart boxes and any other BOX in your cabinets and WHAM! Instant canvas, 'chipboard' and scrapping material.
I don't understand why people insist on spending so much of their money on something that can be found right in your own home or around the corner at your local store. I have a store local to me that SELLS their cardboard. Really? ...Really? You want people to buy it when a majority of your clientele are students who live on the same campus as I do and can get the same cardboard I do out of their very own recycle bins? That's beyond insane in my opinion. I can get an unlimited amount of cardboard for the rest of my life (well...my school life at least. Maybe I should start stocking up now for when I move off campus!!!) for not a penny out of pocket and turn it into something beautiful.
So here's my suggestion, ditch the high priced boards and use cardboard. Use it up. If it never hits the recycling bin then it never hits a place where it doesn't need to be (in a landfill or on a beach somewhere) and you can make something utterly gorgeous out of it.
Okay. I'm done ranting now.
I'm a big corragated cardboard collecter, I have a whole box of it, and chipboard ( also the free stuff ) For tons of projects it's great and I love that I am recycling a product that usually gets thrown away....but....I do love TH Grungeboard and paper, I hoard it actually...it's flexible, doesn't tear when soaking wet, or warp...lol...I save it for all my "special" projects! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)